Don’t look up!

Oh the British weather! Sure enough, there have been some decent days but, in keeping with May 2024, this must be one of the dankest, wettest Junes of recent years.

The best part of a year ago, ATC, the loudspeaker and electronics people based near Stroud, started trailing their 50th birthday celebrations. A summer party was planned. ‘Save the date’ they said. Beyond this, we had no idea what they had in mind.

Being of an economical bent and with some history working in transport, I suggested we Dovetail the imminent delivery of a new Accuphase DP 770 CD / SACD player to a customer in Tadley (near Reading) with the trip to Stroud. Then, on Friday, the opportunity came to also take an ex dem REL Carbon sub to a buyer in Bracknell. Efficiency in all things!

The perils of tight scheduling is something I also remember from my haulage days and it all came back to me in spades as we sat in endlessly crawling traffic on the way to Bracknell, let alone getting to ATC. The event kicked of at 3PM Saturday and suffice it to say that we were fashionably late.

The party was located in a field behind the ATC factory buildings, Bob Polley who was co-director with Billy Woodman for many years, had taken charge of the arrangements. It was genuinely remarkable with a full fairground encompassing Wall of Death, Helter-skelter, Merry-go-Round, live music of various kinds, free drinks, excellent free food, oh, and a tent containing at least part of their historic vehicle collection. The rows of deck-chairs looked rather forlorn on a grey, damp and chilly day. How amazing it would have been had June performed as it should.

Much of ATC’s customer base is the professional world and they have some very high profile musicians on their user list. I looked carefully around but failed to spot any members of Pink Floyd, Dhani Harrison or even the Stones munching with us.

It’s a good few years since we’ve met Bob Polley but, astonishingly, he recognised us instantly “the amount of hassle you gave me, how could I forget?!”. There was a sad note, though, and this was addressed in the speeches. Company founder, Billy Woodman died in 2022. His son, Will, is now in the chair.

It’s great to see that ATC is becoming ever more vibrant and forward-looking but having the ‘main man’ around for these celebrations would have been lovely.

Andy and I had a brief look the ATC factory site a few months ago and learned something of their plans. Kevin and Mick really ought to visit too and we can perhaps get them to write up a description.

I expect Kevin will shoot a video . . .

Accuphase delivery?

Here is our very first sold DP-770 now in its new habitat. It seems happy.

The first shipment in January comprised three units in total, one that became the demonstration unit for the importer and two others that went straight to end users. This month, eight units arrived. From this, we had two (one for us for dem). As you can see, these are quite rare beasts.

I’ve drizzled on about it before, but the DP-770 is a surprisingly large step up from the DP-750. It’s well worth casting your ear over it if you’re looking at ‘end game’ CD replay. Mind you, there’s never really an end to this!

Accuphase E-700 is next

Due with us in late June / early July, is the long-awaited not to say highly anticipated replacement for the truly, wildly deeply terrific E-650 integrated amplifier.

There, I’ve set the bar so high that it can only disappoint! The E-700 costs a little more than the outgoing E-650 at £10500 but could easily still represent serious value for money. Remember, we buy ‘em first so you don’t have to and we will report honestly on it once it’s in our grasp.

The pretty damned high end C-47 phono stage is something we’ve sold a couple of times and really ought to have on demonstration. The discovery that we can still afford to eat (providing we’re careful) has led to the rash decision to buy one of our own. Due some time in July, allegedly.

Naim bundle offer – still on!

As a special summer promotion, you can get the hugely popular duo (with green logos) of Supernait 3 and NDX2 for £7999. With combined RRP being £10298, this is a saving of £2299.


We have the combo on demonstration, so why not come and audition!

Ah yes, It’s still Summer!

Funnily enough, as I write this, it’s turning out to be a cracking day. Sun is shining brightly.

Linn have the ability to come up with promotions that take a little bit of explaining and digesting. It’s worth the effort, though.

Linn Summer Promotion
Click the link and feel free to quiz us. Savings of up to 30% don’t always come easily!

Our summer plans

Most years, we have a short Summer shut-down period and this is no exception.

We will be closed for week commencing 22nd July returning on 30th July.

As the company’s token pensioner, I’m swinging the lead and off for two weeks from 24th June. With England looking nice and sunny at last, I’m heading to Scotland. North Coast 500 here we come! Rhea and I covered this ground about 36 years ago and it was amazing then. This time we are stopping at various places along the way and taking it slowly.

Open car, midges in teeth, teeming rain. what could possibly go wrong?

Until next time, enjoy the sunshine,


