Straddling the festive period, we have received our initial demonstration stock of Accuphase products.
The E-650 and DP-430 DAC / CD player arrived first and, today, we settled down with the moderately affordable E-380. Predictably, the more expensive and predominately class A E-650 is the better amplifier, but the E-380 is no slouch.
The full pricelist can be accessed via our downloads section. Taking account of the recent improvement in the pound’s behaviour, the prices have been reduced very slightly.
I gather that we are unique in having the E-380. Defining the sweet spot in a range is not easy.

At £6400 this amplifier offers a lot of what the 650 has to offer for £3600 less. But the E-650 does seem to be rather special.
Either way, these are fine sounding, extremely musical sounding products that seem to drive most loudspeakers, rooms (and cables) with ease.
Gut feeling is that the Naim Fraim might not be the ideal support for them, but it did allow for a nice little line-up shot.