Hard on the heels of the rather successful Accuphase days, on 10th & 11th November, we turned St Cecilia’s house over to Melco for two informative sessions spread over two days. Again, we already have as near as dammit the full range here adding only a small amount to this for our extravaganza.
Listening was through a Naim 500 system Driving Dynaudio Confidence 60s in the large room, SuperNait 3 was driving Russell K Red 120s in the smallest room and Accuphase E-650 driving Dynaudio Confidence 20s in the larger ‘normal’ room.
Here we had an opportunity to let you listen to products right up to the new and, we think, magnificent N10 SSD music server and S10 switch. Far more modest hardware will be demonstrated too. On top of this we had the ADOT optical ethernet upgrades and Plixir power supply upgrades to hand.
I think this is where its all rather went wrong. Armed with the ego trip of a pretty large attendance and way too many options, we deluged the listeners to the point of confusion by playing two types of ADOT ethernet and showing impact of various power supplies.
This was OK for geeks but the rest of us left our critical faculties on the bus!
Sorry to those who struggled to digest it all. You can always come back for a one on one dem.
As is often the case, attendance was rather lower on the Saturday and we did, I think, a rather better job, comparing ‘old’ N1Zs solid state server with the new N10 3.8 SSD (no brainer for the listeners) and showing the effect of the new single mode ADOT optical system with a proper, good, power supply versus standard copper ethernet. Again, this was a no-brainer. The final slam dunk went to the S100 switch versus S10 even though the S10 was already using a Plixir upgraded power supply.
Anyone who has the original twin cable ADOT system will find the single mode worth the update. And that’s not even expensive!
Beyond all this, we had mains filters and a couple of new power supplies from Plixir and some intriguing new streaming products from Taiwan based NuPrime. These products will be discussed in due course.
Huge thanks to Alan, Raj and Stewart from ADMM for all you did. Well done, Stewart, for taking loads of photos.
Finally, sincere apologies to Alan for allowing him to buy the Friday night curry. I’m riddled with guilt 🙂