Back when Tom Fletcher, the man who started Nottingham Analogue, was around, you could only open an account to sell the products after an interview with the great man. No sales targets, no discussion of stock profile but a real sense that you were being ‘sussed out’.

There was a lot to the conversation too. His anecdotes and similes were not only amusing but had a seam of good sense running through them. He was not into the traditional hi-fi descriptions, he and his staff “flushed their ears” regularly with doses of live un-amplified music. 

 Our interest in actually talking to Nottingham Analogue came about well over a decade ago when a customer brought along a Spacedeck so that he could audition some cartridges. It rather took our breath away with its abilities.

Our Nottingham Spacedeck purchase led swiftly to the Hyperspace and then Dais and we have never looked back. Mind you, the decks are a bit weird: All are started by giving the platter a firm push. To stop, stop it with your hand. 

Nottingham Analogue decks have almost no suspension. Just a series of slightly decoupled layers. Despite (or more likely, because of) this they are remarkably immune to vibrational feedback. The noise floor is incredibly low too.

All models can be upgraded with the Wave Mechanic power supply which gives electronic speed control and reduces the motors minuscule effect on the proceedings to an even lower level.

Despite Tom’s passing, the company he founded remains in good fettle and there remains an ethos of onward development, albeit at a gentler pace.

We could talk for days about Hi-Fi: 01394 672464 / 5 [email protected]
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