Signals Hifi is delighted to announce that we are holding open days on Friday 30th and Saturday 31st August 2019 to demonstrate the full range of Kudos Titan loudspeakers running in active configuration.
Using the new Naim SNAXO for Kudos active crossovers, we will be demonstrating right up to full active 500 system level.
We hope that you will be able to join us.
We, in turn, will be joined by Derek Gilligan and Dave White of Kudos, who will be able to explain the benefits of a Kudos active system and answer any questions you may have.
We will be running three systems as listed below…
Large room

- Kudos Titan 808 Loudspeakers
- A top specification Linn Sondek LP12 Turntable
- Naim ND555 with 2 x 555DR PS Network Player
- Naim NAC 552 DR Preamplifier
- 3 x Naim NAP500 DR Power amplifiers
- Naim SNAXO 362 with Supercap Power Supply
Medium room

- Kudos Titan 707 Loudspeakers
- Naim ND555 with 555 DR Power Supply
- Naim NAC 252 Preamplifier with Supercap
- 2 x Naim NAP300 DR Power Amplifiers
- Naim SNAXO 362 with Supercap Power Supply
Smaller room

- Kudos Titan 505 & 606 Loudspeakers
- Naim NDx2 with XPS DR Power Supply
- Naim NAC 282 Preamplifier with Hi Cap
- 2 x Naim NAP 250 DR Power Amplifiers
- Naim SNAXO 242 with Hi Cap DR Power Supply
We will also be demonstrating active versus passive by changing to a single Naim amplifiers on the various systems.
If you would like to come along, we would be grateful if you could book via the eventbrite ticketing system. We intend to have an initial presentation in the large central room followed by smaller demonstrations in the more normally dimensioned spaces. Keeping numbers small should allow for a more personalised event we can even play the Super 10 or 20 loudspeakers if relevant.
We can only really accommodate around 15 people at a time, even when dividing the listening between the various areas, so we have divided the days into specific time slots.
Please book via this link