Our long-awaited move into our new HQ / music listening facility is fast approaching and, ready or not, we would like to welcome you to come along to for drinks & nibbles, not to mention some socialising, from 1000 until 1830 on Thursday May the fourth, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th. Actually, maybe a little later on the 5th, read on.
During this time we will have various representatives from our key manufacturers there with new and interesting products, not to mention a free raffle with a £650 Naim mu-so Qb as the prize.
Be there, you might win something square!
Even better, you can come and see what we’ve been up to over the past few months. Oh and if you would rather have coffee than Bolly*, we will have our local artisan coffee supplier on hand on barista duties.
Here’s something of a schedule finally evolving.
Thursday 4th
Naim Uniti Atom, Star and Nova on demonstration.
Melco Audio will be showing their new range of servers.
Kudos will have delivered our new Titan T808s (Yay!) and will be bringing the 707’s. We have our Naim NDS / twin 555 PS / Statement and Linn Klimax DS3 plus DSM Exakt active systems sitting in readiness in the central ‘Atrium’ room.
Rega’s sales manager, Paul Darwin, will be demonstrating the new £500 Ania MC cartridge on the new and rather tasteful red PL3 turntable with Aria phono stage, Elex-R amplifier and RX 5 speakers.
Friday 5th
Naim Uniti Atom, Star and Nova on demonstration.
Melco Audio will be showing their new range of servers.
Russell K will be demonstrating his range, including the Red 120 floor stander.
At 1800 (6PM), Linn will be presenting “Streaming Made Easy”
Saturday 6th
Naim Uniti Atom, Star and Nova on demonstration in the morning but we have more of a free for all day in mind.
Originally, we had planned to do the Arcam Atmos demonstrations. Having been granted Arcam’s Centre for Cinematic Excellence in Suffolk, we really want to make a good job of the cinema room and have run out of time for us to get this done to a level that the kit deserves.
Beyond Arcam’s splendid UDP 411 / AVR850 / P429 system, we have the Sony 550 4k projector. It’ll all be ready soon and more open days will follow!
All our standard fare, including the Naim Statement pre/power amplifier will be set up and playing and Linn are stepping in to provide some comparative demonstrations of the new Katalyst DAC.
St Cecilias House
188 High Road
Trimley St Mary
Ipswich IP11 0SS

If you could drop us an email to confirm which day works best for you, it will help us to handle the refreshments rather more effectively.
*I lied about the Bolly.