Another busy year draws to a close and thanks go to all the kind folks who have kept us in business in 2016 and the past. You keep us going!

The move to our new Signals HQ, St Cecilia House, in Trimley St Mary is now gathering pace and we hope to have some more news in the Spring.
In the meantime, we’ve had our annual angst-ridden discussion over what days / times we should be open between Christmas and New Year.
In the end, the answer was simple. We are absolutely knackered! Please forgive us, but we will be closed.
The schedule is :
Open until 14.00 hrs Saturday 24th December 2016
Then we will re-open Tuesday 3rd January 2017
Inevitably, there will be an eye kept on emails during this time, though.
Have a wonderful, peaceful and hopefully musical Christmas. Here’s to 2017. Things can only get . . . !