The Reflex Ultra G3 is the latest improved version of the much loved G3 AcouPlex based power distribution block with Cryo treated wiring. Driven by MusicWorks’ understanding of what contributes noise to audio (and a/v) systems, as well as re-engineering the critical ‘star earth’, the contribution brought by this block needs to be experienced first hand.
We’ve been presenting the MusicWorks Mains blocks as the Mains Cable Enabler and this is the best G3 yet. More musical, far more realistic and just plain more addictive.
“What have we done? Well you can clearly see the new chassis sockets that we are using for the new G3 block, these constitute the biggest change and in-fact provide the largest performance improvement over the G3’s predecessor, but that is not all! You will notice that we include a set of support spikes for the purpose of raising the block off the floor (made out of PEEK) to further improve the isolation from mechanical energy interference within the listening environment, finally we have re-vamped the internal wiring – hence the need to follow the new block plugging – in layout mentioned above.
With still more minor improvements included with the new G3 block it can and will be judged as the next step up for a superior mains distribution block that still follows a route of no mains filters/mains reconstruction and is still thankfully connected directly to the 240V juice!”
The block provides an outlet for up to 6 pieces of equipment. All wiring and sockets are carefully chosen and then cryogenically treated.
To allow optimal choice of power lead for the application, the block is equipped with an IEC socket.