Naim NAP 500 DR power amplifier

Forget any preconceptions about Naim’s NAP 500 DR being a muscle amp. Sure enough when you first plug in a new one it can seem a bit of a thug. It might even be less than optimal with some (themselves less than optimal?) loudspeakers but in the right context it settles down into being a subtle, agile and colourful performer that just happens to have some dramatic slam available.

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Naim NAP 500 DR

Forget any preconceptions about Naim’s NAP 500 DR being a muscle amp. Sure enough when you first plug in a new one it can seem a bit of a thug. It might even be less than optimal with some (themselves less than optimal?) loudspeakers but in the right context it settles down into being a subtle, agile and colourful performer that just happens to have some dramatic slam available.

And that 2015 DR upgrade was a ‘biggie’.

The NAP300 DR upgrade was dramatic, it took it far closer to the original NAP 500 than we expected. Yet, compared to the 300 DR, the new 500 still offers an even more expressive and beguiling midband, faster, cleaner more resolved bass and better resolved treble. These qualities conspire to make the NAP 500 DR even more natural and realistic than the (admittedly much cheaper) NAP 300 DR. 

The NAP 500 DR is a remarkable showcase of Naim Audio amplifier technology, which was perfected over a period of six years. Our highly skilled technicians in Salisbury spent days on the dedicated assembly, while specialist part suppliers collaborated to make this product possible. The NAP 500 features the NA009 transistors and Naim Audio DR technology. These, along with other minor enhancements, allow the NAP 500 to provide an even greater musical pace, rhythm, and timing.


• 140W per channel output into 8 ohms; capable of prolonged output into 2 ohms with no discernible impact on performance.

• Bridged power amplifier configuration for maximised open and closed-loop speed, with ten stages of local regulation per channel.

• Two-box configuration with 500 PS power supply for optimum rejection of electromagnetic interference.

• 1,100VA toroidal transformer provides 12 raw DC supplies for the power amplifier.

• 25kg brushed, black-anodised chassis with distinctive heatsink plus variable speed intelligent fan system for discreet extra cooling if required.


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