Naim Uniti

Virtually a brand in it’s own right, Uniti is a range of integrated components manufactured in Salisbury by Naim Audio.

The original NaimUniti (the words had to be joined, apparently) launched in 2009. The range widened with the arrival of the highly covetable UnitiQute, UnitiLite and SuperUniti. NaimUniti2 came along in 2013. All the way along, multiple software and (one) retrofittable hardware upgrades have kept raising the level of ability and functionality.

Late 2017 saw the arrival of the new Uniti range.

Naim have taken note of the relative lack of appeal of the shallower profile UnitiLite and all the new Unitis now come in full height casework.  Impressively, they feature hewn-from-solid construction, reminiscent of Statement and 500 series products, that belies the relatively modest pricing.

All are in stock and on demonstration.

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